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British  private  School  application


Why have British private schools been so popular for so long?


      Private high schools in the UK have always been recognized by the world as the "cradle of elite education". Most of them have a long history, strong teachers, good campus facilities, strict learning and accommodation management, and provide students with all-round quality and knowledge education. , cultivate world-recognized values. Provides excellent opportunities for students to integrate into mainstream society in the world.

Students from British private boarding schools have a very high admission rate to well-known universities, which is the best way to enter top universities such as Oxbridge or the American Ivy League. Some middle schools have cooperative relationships with well-known universities, and the possibility of entering a famous school after graduating from high school is very high. Most students at the UK's top universities come from private secondary schools. A-Level examination results are also recognized by universities in all English-speaking countries around the world.

British private middle schools focus on comprehensive quality cultivation. The school offers a wide range of courses, with more than 70 courses in liberal arts, business, economics, language, mathematics, science, computing, law, media, music, etc. for students to choose from. In addition, a wealth of extracurricular activities such as swimming, tennis, football, fencing, equestrian, and drama creation are also offered.


British private schools have the following characteristics:


1. The learning atmosphere is relaxed, happy and lively, allowing students to fully enjoy learning.

Each teacher will create a positive and relaxed class atmosphere, so that each student, especially international students, can quickly enter the learning role, integrate into the learning environment more easily, and quickly release their creativity learning potential


2. Small class teaching with a high teacher-to-teacher ratio.

The number of students in each class in the school is very small, generally no more than 16. Teachers can give each student the utmost attention. In addition to teachers of various subjects, the school also provides students with grade tutors, psychological counselors, life tutors, dormitory supervisors, etc. to ensure that every detail of students' study and life has dedicated guidance and supervision.


3. A wide range of course options.

Depending on the age and grade of the students, the school offers a wide range of courses. In addition to English, mathematics, science, physics, chemistry, and biology, which are the same courses as in China, there are also religious studies, French, German, Spanish, Latin, and art. , technology, IT, music, painting, piano, photography, performance, drama, etc. In addition, the school also offers a variety of sports courses such as swimming, horse riding, tennis, and skiing.


4. Learning subjects are more targeted and practical.

The school not only focuses on cultivating students' subject knowledge, but also pays special attention to cultivating students' innovative consciousness and practical ability. The school provides independent laboratories or studios for each subject. Students can experience the close connection between science and technology and life through hands-on operations.


5. Explore and cultivate students’ personal potential.

The traditional British education model is different from the ‘cramming’ and ‘test scores determine everything’ education methods that China has always adopted. Teachers and students are equal here. Teachers will take a guiding approach and encourage students to adopt a questioning approach in the learning process to fully tap their original abilities. Students subtly develop their own way of thinking and continuously stimulate their personal potential.


6. Develop correct social etiquette.

Every student will enter society in the future, and it is the responsibility of every school to help students learn correct social etiquette. The school strictly stipulates that students must dress appropriately on different occasions and always pay attention to their speech and behavior, so that every graduate will be a gentleman and a lady in social circles in the future.


7. Rich extracurricular activities and distinctive social practice.

The school often organizes visits and excursions, such as visits to the Science Museum, Military Museum, outings, etc. The school also encourages students to actively participate in debating activities and various other club activities. Some schools will also regularly organize community services, charities, etc., such as participating in some charity performances, etc.


8. Successfully enter the life ladder of a world-renowned university.

The UK has a large number of the world's top universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, and UCL. Every year, about 5-10% of students who graduate from British boarding private schools easily enter these top schools, and 100% of students are fully promoted to their satisfactory level. University, such excellent teaching results have made British private secondary schools world-famous.

Application process for top private schools in the UK

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