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          PhD application

project instruction

Our "Ph.D. Express" program is designed to help students who are interested in studying abroad to study for a Ph.D. accurately position themselves and find the right research direction, so that they can choose the ideal institution and tutor in a targeted manner and obtain the ideal offer. Our service scope covers most English-speaking countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong and New Zealand.


If you have a desire to study for a Ph.D., but are still in a fog and don’t know what you need to do to apply for a Ph.D., then it doesn’t matter. Let’s start from scratch. Our doctoral teachers will evaluate your education, work and academic background and gradually help you find the research direction or research topic that best suits you.



And if you have done some homework, you must know that the most important thing in the process of applying for a PhD is the writing of a research proposal. In order to help you in this regard, our PhD teachers will provide you with the academic literature you need to read and teach you how to organize your reading notes efficiently. On this basis, the doctoral teacher will analyze the purpose and methods of research plan writing for you, and give you revision opinions on the first draft of your research plan.

After your research plan begins to take shape, our doctoral teachers will work with you to identify your potential doctoral supervisor (Proposed Supervisor) and give you guidance on how to set up magnets. In addition, our doctoral teachers will provide you with mock interviews and interview coaching based on your needs, giving you additional leverage to successfully apply for a doctoral offer.


our team

Our team of doctoral teachers is rich in resources and their research fields cover most disciplines, including Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Technology, Natural Science, and Life Science. &Medicine), Social Science &Management.


Student experience

The research field I am good at is bioenergy. I am not a particularly top academic, and I have no particularly outstanding academic highlights in the past. In addition, my school background is not great, so Teacher Cain has been patiently communicating with me in the early stage. On the one hand, I understand On the other hand, I analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the existing application conditions and spent a lot of time and energy to find the most suitable schools, majors and related research directions, and helped me formulate a complete set of school selections. plan, and finally determined the direction of the natural science major. It can be said that my success in getting admitted to the University of Edinburgh was entirely inseparable from the help and guidance of Teacher Cain. I was also fortunate to be able to work hard with the consultant tutor at that time. The University of Edinburgh has always been my dream school, so I want to share with you that you should always be prepared so that when the opportunity comes, you can seize it.

                          ;                           ;  ——Classmate Hu

The teachers at the doctoral express train gave me a lot of help on my journey to apply for the PhD. My Ph.D. teacher Yu responded promptly every time. His feedback was not only detailed but also had practical suggestions. Give me encouragement and help when I encounter bottlenecks. I started tutoring with Teacher Yu before I entered graduate school. So these mentorships also helped me prepare for graduate-level courses. I'm very grateful to her.


                          ;                           ;    ——Classmate Li

PhD application

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